Blog: Content strategy

Articles relating to content and marketing strategy – from understanding your audience to planning campaigns.

Planning A Campaign? Here’s What You Need To Succeed

The impact of a well-delivered marketing campaign can be pivotal in helping you achieve your wider business goals. Yet 80% of them fail… So why is…

A team of marketers around a table during a content marketing strategy exercise

Why Is Content Marketing Important, And What Impact Can It...

As businesses battle for attention in crowded markets, there’s one secret weapon that sets…

People in an office discussing SaaS marketing strategy around their laptops

The Best Channels To Include In Your SaaS Marketing Strategy

For SaaS brands, content marketing guides your target audience smoothly through the conversion process….

Lift-Off: 6 Tips For A Successful Product Launch

You’ve done the mind mapping, the user research, the sketching, the prototyping, the sample…

staff at a content marketing agency educating the benefits of working with a content marketing agency

5 Business Benefits Of Working With A Content Marketing Agency

A copywriting agency can overcome many of your business’ obstacles, from getting you known…

Do You Need An In-House Copywriter?

Considering hiring a copywriter for your company? Here’s everything you should know before you…

a member of staff at making you content discussing content marketing strategy with other staff members in their office

Do You Need A Content Marketing Strategy?

Content marketing is the art of creating and sharing valuable content with your audience….

the team at Making You Content running through the agenda for the content marketing strategy workshop

How To Maximise The Effectiveness Of A Content Marketing Strategy...

Want long-term success from your content marketing campaigns? There are a lot of ways…

person at a desk using multi-coloured pens and sheets of paper to make a content strategy framework

A Guide To Creating A Content Strategy Framework

Around 73% of B2B marketers and 72% of B2C marketers leverage content marketing. So why…

Lost In Translation: The 3 Most Misunderstood Words In Content...

Words are powerful tools and, when used correctly, can have an amazing impact. But…