Maximise Your Event’s Impact With Content Repurposing

If your latest event was a raging success (or even if it didn’t quite have the effect you hoped for), the benefits from all your hard work don’t have to end here. Enter: content repurposing

From workshops to tradeshows, event content is teeming with reusable assets. Repurpose them wisely, and you can maximise your ROI even further. Because why wouldn’t you want to milk that value for all it’s worth? 

Here’s how to open up your content marketing box of tricks and start creating killer post-event material that drives maximum impact – long after the curtains close.  

The power of repurposed content

Repurposing content simply means taking your existing event content and transforming it into different formats or repackaging it for various platforms. It’s an effective way of reaching new corners of your target audience and establishing authority in your industry, all the while maximising engagement with those who attended your event. What’s more, it’s cost-effective, efficient and, in some cases, evergreen in its ability to transform a single event into a long-lasting value source.

The best part? All the content research is already done! You don’t need to look any further than your recorded presentations, panel discussions, workshops, keynote speeches, or audience-generated content (like questions, comments and photos). Simply identify any filler content for the event, toss it aside, and harvest all that good stuff to turn into valuable assets for your brand.

It’s all in the strategy

Wondering where to begin? The power lies in knowing your options and applying the right ones to your needs. This could look like directly related content, such as a post-event write-up or social post that rounds up key takeaways. Or you could think bigger with longer-form pieces that use the insights you’ve gained from the event. Let’s take a look… 

Recap the event

A post-event round-up is a great way of packaging up highlights and making them into something quickly digestible for your audience, providing actionable insights that connect them with your brand. And, of course, it shows those who couldn’t make it what they missed – teeing up your next event. 


  • Blog posts and webpages – Get creative with a thought-provoking write-up that includes pictures, quotes, or interesting statistics from the event. You could even update your initial event page with resources and talks available on demand.
  • Social media This is the ideal medium for snappy, bite-sized takeaways like infographics or memorable video clips. Include a CTA to ‘read the write-up’ or ‘watch the full recording’ on YouTube.
  • Email newsletters or nurture sequences – Follow up with attendees with an event summary, their next steps, or a recording link they can share with others. You might also want to develop nurture sequences that keep the engagement alive. 

Educate your audience

You may have already given your audience newfound knowledge at your event. But every day is a school day, and if it benefits their business, they’ll be ready and raring to learn more. This is a great opportunity to add further value and establish your authority with educational content that expands on workshops or presentations. 


  • Webinars or online courses – Provide a deeper dive into a topic you only just scratched the surface of during the event with a webinar or course, using some of the slides or findings. This gives another chance to prove your expertise and show your audience that your brand means business. 

Start a new conversation

Think about what really pricked up people’s ears at your event. Was there any new ground that even you weren’t expecting to be broken? Whether it was a certain slide in a presentation or an insight posed during a panel discussion, see this as a golden opportunity to start a new conversation off the back of your event. 


  • Whitepapers and ebooks – Long-form content offers you the chance to expand on intriguing and relevant topics discussed. This could be a high-value guide or a thought-leadership piece that links back to your brand.
  • Social polls – If there was an opinion raised or a subject that sparked debate at your event, bring it to the masses via a social media poll to drive even further engagement. 

Tips for success

The repurposing strategy you decide on will all depend on your unique needs as a business. But whatever event content mix you choose to implement, do so with these key tips in mind to lay the foundation for maximum post-event power:

  1. Pick out only the most valuable insights from your event and disregard any fluff
  2. Identify what you want to achieve from your repurposed content and tailor it to suit the target audience you’re aiming it at
  3. Keep your messaging consistent and your brand voice strong throughout the repurposing process
  4. Track and measure the performance of your repurposed content to refine your strategies over time

Need a lift?

Making You Content specialises in creating compelling content that gives high-growth companies the boost they need to keep climbing. And that includes helping you extend the lifespan of your events for further reach and impact.

Our experts are fully versed across the content marketing spectrum and ready to work alongside you on your repurposing strategies. Let’s talk

Words by Kelly


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