Webinar Content Planning: Preparing For A Successful Virtual Event
So, you’re thinking of hosting a webinar? We don’t blame you. These virtual events are a powerful way for brands and thought leaders to connect with their target audiences. But like with any event, whether in person or online, they take a great deal of preparation if you want to get it right.
It all starts with a solid foundation: effective webinar content planning. First, you need content that genuinely informs and engages your audience to encourage attendance. Once they’re there, you need content that promotes participation and provides them with valuable insight they won’t find elsewhere. When you’ve wrapped things up, you then need content to drive the kind of outcome you wanted from the event – whether that’s a follow, an enquiry, or a sale.
Join us as we take you through each of these phases, so you can give your virtual event the best shot at success.
Define your objectives and select your topic
Before you set the wheels in motion, you need to get clear on what you want your webinar to accomplish – this will dictate the content you need. That means considering who your primary target audience is, what their aspirations and pain points might be, and what action you want them to take.
Do you want to promote a service or product to them? Maybe you could focus on a problem that your product solves, and host a webinar on various solutions to that. Are you looking to improve brand engagement or loyalty? Perhaps you could ask your social followers which topics they’re interested in and base your event on which gets the most votes.
It’s also worth exploring the format you want your webinar to follow. Depending on your objectives, you might opt for a more interactive session (like a workshop) or bring in expert thought leaders (for a presentation, panel discussion or a Q&A).
Plan pre-webinar content
Now you’ve chosen your topic, it’s time to start on your pre-webinar content. Gearing up for your virtual event is just as important as the event itself. What do we mean by this? Well, from email campaigns to landing pages and social copy, people need to know your webinar is happening. But, crucially, they need to be keen to attend.
Consider partnering with leading industry experts or influencers who can help promote your virtual event. You could even invest in media coverage. Whatever you do, be sure you take a rounded approach so you’re not missing an opportunity to inform your audience about what’s happening.
Any pre-webinar content you create should also highlight why it’s something the reader doesn’t want to miss out on. Their time is precious, after all, so you’ve got to give them a solid reason why they should give your business some of it. Devote some resources to crafting a compelling webinar title and description that grabs attention, highlights benefits, and creates a sense of urgency.
Craft engaging webinar content
The attendee list is filling up nicely, and you turn your attention to content for the event itself. Consider writing a script (or a looser talk track if you prefer to improvise a little) so you can map out what you want to say in advance. Then think how you can keep your audience engaged throughout the webinar with things like live polls, real-time chats and an interactive Q&A.
Visuals are going to have an impact too. Your audience doesn’t just want to look at who’s talking the whole time and, in some instances, you’ll need graphics to back up what you’re saying or demonstrate a point. This might take the form of a slide deck or infographics.
If you’re going down the PowerPoint route, think about how you’re going to structure it. Include an introduction to the speaker, a run through of what the audience can expect from the session, and a closing slide with contact details or a CTA.
Make the most of post-webinar content
After you’ve hosted your webinar, there are still plenty of content opportunities to jump on. You’ll definitely want to produce a write-up about the event, summarising key points and highlights which can be uploaded to your website.
If someone covered the event – capturing screenshots, audience sound bites, or a recording of the entire webinar – this can also be repurposed into many different formats. Think social media posts, testimonials, or even a whitepaper.
Following up with an email or a nurture sequence is a good idea too. You can re-introduce yourself to those who attended, and let those who didn’t know what they missed out on.
Get the experts involved
Need support with planning and creating your webinar content? MYC’s got you covered. We’ve helped numerous clients see an event through from start to finish. Let’s talk!
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