Hosting An Event? Here’s Why You Should Invest In Coverage

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Booking a venue, watching the attendee list fill up, and making sure their experience is the best it can possibly be – that’s all you need to do for an event. Right? Well, not if you want to get the most from it…

Adding coverage to your event plan will reap more rewards than you might imagine. Here, we explore why a little investment can go a long way to maximising your event’s impact:

It widens your reach

People at the event will know how fantastic it was. But don’t constrain your focus to those in the room. You’ll likely have a much larger online audience, and if you factor in attendees too, your exposure could be exponential! Investing the time and resources to cover your event – with a suitable hashtag and live posts throughout – will bring a huge boost to brand awareness and engagement.

Broadcasting quotes, images and videos on social media will allow those who missed out on a ticket to feel like they were there. Meanwhile, make sure guests are well aware of the hashtag at the start of the event, so you can take ownership of any posts they push out themselves.

It builds interest

Event coverage brings another dimension to your social media feeds. It provides a welcome break from the standard sales messaging that your audience can grow numb to. An event is something that is distinctive and exciting – which is the reason you’re holding it in the first place. Event-specific posts, therefore, have the power to be incredibly engaging and shareable.

And appealing to more people is key. Whilst you may have sold out at this event, coverage helps ensure you’ll do so again next year. You can’t expect the same guests to attend, so build interest online to create anticipation for the next one.

By making noise on social media, people who missed out will be eager to click ‘attend’ when the next one is announced. You can pair it with a great event write-up to increase the afterlife of your event, giving attendees something valuable to share that will generate the ultimate buzz.

It balances priorities

Taking note of quotes, snapping pictures and recording video clips will be extra things to add to your already long to-do list on the day of the event. The various responsibilities that are involved in organising, and the rushing around that comes with hosting, means that coverage often falls to the bottom of this list.

There’s little worse than putting a damper on an otherwise amazing day by realising that you’ve nothing to show for it. In all the busyness of the event, it’s easy to forget to take photos and share updates on social – you’ve got more important things to do after all.

Investing in getting an external party to cover the event for you means you’ll be able to focus on ensuring it all runs smoothly, whilst having peace of mind that you’ve got a capable team maximising its influence and how many people it reaches.

We’re experienced in covering events and getting clients the right exposure. From tweeting live at the scene, to creating write-ups and even graphics to push out in the aftermath, we will make sure your event isn’t forgotten about in a hurry.

Got a date in the calendar coming up? Get in touch with our content agency today on 0161 660 9206 or by sending a message to [email protected].

Words by Kelly


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