How To Produce A Great Event Write-Up

Running an event is a tried-and-tested way to create buzz around your brand. But if you want to give attendees something to remember, it pays to follow up with a specially written piece.

A round-up not only preserves your event forever, but it can also be reused as content for your blog, social media and more. Plus, a good write-up should encourage your target audience to head down to future events (so they can see what all the fuss is about for themselves!). 

Here’s how to plan and produce a killer one.

Be a tease (on socials)

Before the big day, it’s worth creating a build-up piece (or pieces) to create a sense of anticipation – whether that’s a blog, an infographic, or a Twitter thread. Whatever the format, be sure to include what’s going to be on the agenda as well as who might be in attendance if relevant. Not only can this work wonders for boosting numbers, but it’ll give you some good content to distribute across your channels. 

When it comes to then writing the post-event piece, you’ve already set yourself up for success. You’ve generated excitement and curiosity, creating a deeper connection between your audience and the event. Now emotionally invested, they’ll have more vivid memories and stronger opinions, which can enhance your write-up. 

Likewise, your build-up can serve as a reference point for your post-event piece – allowing you to draw comparisons and analyse how the event met or exceeded expectations to add depth and context. If you’re making event write-ups a regular thing, be sure to tease the reader with a hint of what’s due to be included in the next one. This way, they’ll keep coming back for more.

Take detailed notes

A good write-up can’t exist without great notes. To accurately describe your event as it happened – whether it’s a networking meetup, a roundtable or a webinar – they’re crucial to refer back to when you’re putting pen to paper.

No two events are ever exactly the same, so be sure to focus on the small things as well as the big picture. Ask yourself a few questions like:

  • What were the most interesting topics, discussion points or announcements? 
  • Were there any unexpected interactions or shifts in perspective among attendees?
  • What did guests enjoy the most? How did they respond to the speakers or activities?
  • What words would you use to describe the scene and atmosphere?
  • What comments or suggestions did attendees provide during the event or in a feedback questionnaire afterwards?

A video recording makes referring back to the event a million times easier, as well as providing you with great footage to edit down for social media. And don’t forget to take some snaps, too – they say a picture is worth a thousand words for a reason.

Choose your angle 

Event write-ups can take various forms, but a solid, readable structure starts with a punchy summary before recapping what took place in more detail.

Use your notes to see if there are any recurring themes, and choose an angle that can function as the spine of your piece. For example, if it was a workshop, use your write-up as an opportunity to educate your readers with some of the information that was shared at the event. But don’t give too much away. Let them know that if they want to learn more, they’ll have to come down to the next one.

Get a pro to do the work

As much as you might want to shout about your event across all your channels, chances are you don’t have the time. But you probably don’t want to waste your hard work by not making the most of your event either.

That’s where we come in. Our talented team of copywriters, editors and social media managers are experts in engaging audiences and making them feel as though they’re right there in the room. Contact us to find out more.

Words by Kelly


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