Fasthosts has been hurt by poor content marketing agencies in the past. The web hosting service provider onboarded two separate agencies to help cover a content editor position – but when both failed to deliver, it looked like effective marketing was going to be hard to come by.
Why did Fasthosts need MYC?
That’s the position Fasthosts was in when its brand manager reached out to Making You Content in 2022. Starting small, they asked us to assist with content management and generate relevant blog ideas.
But after being impressed by our quick turnaround time and creativity, the scope of MYC’s support has only continued to increase.
From ad hoc support to one of the team
Now, we assign one dedicated copywriter and editor to act as experts in all things Fasthosts tone of voice, ideation and writing style. They deliver 4-6 original blog articles per month, along with downloadable PDFs, newsletters, and social posts as necessary.
Our client services manager helps the process run as smoothly as possible – hopping on weekly calls with the Fasthosts marketing team, as well as providing regular updates via Google Chat and Trello.
Building momentum and keeping pace
The appreciation certainly goes both ways! We’re proud to have helped Fasthosts re-launch their content marketing strategy with a bang. In just our first year of working together, we’ve supported the brand on everything from launching their LinkedIn newsletter to planning and delivering a keynote speech at a flagship industry event.
In terms of what’s next for our partnership, we’re currently in talks about content plans to keep up momentum in the year ahead. Part of this will involve our downloadables forming the basis of focused lead generation efforts, ensuring the content marketing we produce aligns with – and actively supports – Fasthosts’ wider business goals.