Same Role, More Freedom: Why I’ve Loved My First Year At MYC

Hot off the heels of his 22nd birthday, Will marks his first Making You Content anniversary. Discover how he has become our very own ‘Swiss army man’ of social media… 

Although I didn’t know it at the time, my social media career kicked off at the tender age of 16. But despite everything I’ve learnt over the past five years, there was something missing… 

I was itching for more creative freedom that allowed me to flex and evolve my skills beyond bread-and-butter social media. And boy did I find it at MYC.

Starting out young

At sixth form I had no clue where my future was heading. I studied product design and history, and even dabbled in modelling. A bizarre combination, I know… But then work experience came along, and everything changed. 

As it happened, my mum knew a guy who knew a guy called Steven Bartlett! And after an inspiring chat with the head honcho and a week’s work at his agency, I was hooked on social media. Hungry for more, I dived head first into their apprenticeship programme and eventually secured employment there, gaining the kind of on-the-ground knowledge and momentum that I don’t feel uni could have offered me.

Armed with a whole host of new skills, I tried my hand in-house before realising I wanted a new challenge – one that gave me more creative freedom and access to a wider variety of clients. 

Freedom to create

From the outside looking in, I could see MYC was a place that celebrated diversity in clientele and creativity in execution. And before I knew it, I was part of the family – getting stuck into all kinds of social strategy and content creation for a greater mix of projects than I’d ever experienced. 

Bouncing from tech recruitment to a collectibles marketplace for Pokémon cards, my creative juices were well and truly flowing. And throughout it all, I’m guided brilliantly by Senior Social Media Manager Helen, who I’ve been closely collaborating with from day one. 

I love all aspects of social media marketing here, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say that TikTok had a special place in my heart. Being able to bring the platform to often-sceptical clients and then watch their brand engagement blow up has been a lot of fun. 

A toast to the crew

One year has felt like one month. That’s testament to the freedom I’ve been given to try new things and develop old passions, like graphic design! I’ve almost come full circle since sixth form.

Social media aside – and at the risk of getting corny – my main highlight has been the people (*raises glass, Leo DiCaprio style*). The way everyone’s individual creativity comes together has made MYC feel like a place where I can truly fit in and share my ideas. What’s not to love? 

Oh, and I can’t forget getting my miniature feline companion, Freddie. The jury’s out on whether he’s been more of a distraction or an inspiration, but I’m looking forward to cracking on with whatever comes my way next at MYC with this little dude by my side!

Fancy yourself a new challenge? Show us what you’ve got!

Words by Kelly


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