Using Storytelling for a Compelling Brand

Branding Tips

Apply the time-honoured art of storytelling to your brand, to inspire trust and increase sales!

The Greatest Story Ever Told? That would be your brand’s of course, provided you follow these key branding tips from LVMA

A positive customer experience is undoubtedly the most important part of an impactful brand – without this you are simply one of many trying to sell, sell, sell. Successfully capturing the imagination of a customer can be a rather tricky process, one that we can help to simplify with a story.

The Power of a Narrative

Applying the subtle art of storytelling to branding is by no means a new concept; stories weave together our culture, from Neanderthal cave paintings to contemporary fiction – we use tales of triumph and loss to connect and bond on a primal level. It is a fundamental human desire to relate to those around us, which is why storytelling can be a valuable tool for any business. Let’s explore how.

Stories, anecdotes and metaphors take us back to lessons learnt throughout childhood, as well as providing an opportunity to let our imaginations run wild. Stories create a vast world of exploration, a medium to decipher complex ideas, and become a stand-in for a real, personal experience. We automatically align ourselves with the main character in a story, creating a strong sense of empathy as we personally experience their struggles and successes. As the consumer relates and emphasises with the characters within the narrative, their trust within the brand increases, and any skepticism and doubt is replaced with positive emotion. 

Every Company Has a Story to Tell 

Whether it’s spinning a yarn based around your brand’s core beliefs or employing emotive background information for your latest product, stories are a key tool for personal engagement. Why not give your customers an  insider view into your brand, such as a personal overview of what motivates you and your team? Or, you could share the tale of  how a particular product came to fruition. This technique is employed by the company Moleskine, which uses renowned figures such as Vincent van Gogh within their brand philosophy to add a sense of history and prestige.

The best brand stories always incorporate the customer as the key figure: Nike – just do it, L’Oréal – because you’re worth it. This technique gently leads the customer towards a destination or a call to action, without adopting a traditional ‘hard sell’ method. Tell a story that involves your customers; consumers are more likely to engage with a brand positively if their values align with our own personal goals or ideals.

More than ever before, we navigate the world based on individual brand values –  defining who we are, and what we stand for. By purchasing a product we declare an alliance with the brand in question, their values and story become synonymous with what we would like to achieve. To create a strong brand and fight off competition, combine key facts and audience-engaging emotions for a powerful message. Ultimately, we all enjoy relating to other people and effective marketing is all about engaging with your audience, so, increase your visibility and trust by telling tales!

This guest blog was written by LVMA, a digital marketing agency based in Manchester. For more information about LVMA’s services, visit their website.


Photo Credit: UNE Photos

Words by Kelly


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