Tips To Help You Solve The Case Study Conundrum

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Businesses thrive on storytelling. We’re used to making an inspiring statement about why this or that is good for us. Yet, beneath it all, people want to see how you impact the world – what you’ve done for someone, and how satisfied they are.

Often, case studies are the answer. A copywriting agency like ours knows a trick or two about stitching the right narrative together, playing with form and substance until we have what you need. But there are several ways of doing so…

Wondering how best to present your case studies? Join us as we share a few secrets.

Give the right amount of backstory

Case studies always have to provide three basic things:

  1.  Context on the client, and issues they faced before you came into the picture.
  2. A breakdown of how you responded to these challenges to deliver a solution.
  3. Evidence of your impact, whether in the form of hard facts, a subtle ‘before’ and ‘after’ comparison, or a testimonial from the client.

Out of this triad, the first point is the toughest. Too much backstory can leave the reader struggling for air, when all they really want is to hear about what you did.

Limit an overview of the subject to a couple of lines, max. Or instead, begin with the moment you made contact, weaving context into the situation as you personally came to understand it. Make sure to add your own relevance from the get-go – what were they lacking before you met?

Clearly (and confidently) explain your approach

Our Manchester copywriters have had the pleasure of working with dozens of interesting clients, all of whom have their own unique qualities.

Think: a kettle and a gas hob can both give you boiling water, but they aren’t the same thing by any stretch. Multiple methods can lead to a desired outcome. So what marks your business apart from the rest?

Case studies allow you to demonstrate the logic, detail and passion that make your approach different. Don’t be afraid to put the focus where it belongs – on the minutiae of your work, how the process is handled, and what to expect along the way.

Consider the reader’s perspective

When providing reasons to believe, it’s important to consider the emotional, as well as functional, benefits of working with you. Testimonials are good, but it can be even more powerful to write the case study entirely from the customer’s perspective. This allows you to present an authentic story from someone readers will be able to relate to.

Wordsmiths like us can interview a person of interest, and translate their experience into a first-person narrative. This is a great way to tackle service-based case studies where the results are less tangible, as it taps into the emotional impact of your work.

Solving the case of the intractable case study is rarely easy. But with a copywriting agency in the mix, you’re free to explore the avenues it might present… contact Making You Content to find the perfect formats for whatever story you’re trying to tell.

Words by Kelly


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