Our Number One Email Marketing Tip Ahead Of The GDPR Deadline

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Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ll no doubt be aware that the GDPR deadline is incredibly close. By now, you’re probably frantically searching for email marketing tips and advice before the 25th May comes around.

Whether you feel like you know GDPR like the back of your hand, or you’re still wondering what on earth it stands for, we’re here to tell you not to worry about your email marketing. Our copywriting agency has one tip that will alleviate any concerns of your subscriber list going from thousands to zilch.

What does GDPR mean for you?

Firstly, we’ll just highlight what exactly GDPR is and its potential consequences.

GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation. Its purpose is to improve data protection. For companies to send recipients email marketing, they will therefore need to secure an official “opt-in”. This may sound daunting, and it’s true that some subscribers will drop by the wayside. But not the ones who care – or that you should care about.

Loyal customers may still want to hear from you, and it’s actually quite easy to get people to opt-in. So breathe a sigh of relief that GDPR means no more unauthorised PPI mailers, and let’s get started.

How to secure subscribers

We have one very simple, yet incredibly effective, email marketing tip: create a powerful opt-in campaign. If you think your emails are valuable, then it should be no trouble to persuade people to stay subscribed.

There are a few ways to create this compelling persuasion. You can play on your subscribers’ loyalty by reminding them why they signed up to your emails in the first place. Have a gander at your analytics, and see which campaigns were most successful. Mentioning these is also a great idea – they’ll be the emails your audience is likeliest to remember and have found relevant.

A perfect example of an opt-in campaign is the one from Manchester United. The football club not only kept it simple and to-the-point by concisely explaining what recipients would receive, but they’re also offering prizes between 1st-25th May. Although people can enter the giveaway but opt-out of the emails, it certainly gives them that little nudge to sign up.

Exclusive competitions, discounts and content is another fantastic technique in securing subscribers. You’ll have to dig deep to think about what you can offer them, but just ensure that it’s different to anything else you already provide. It shouldn’t be a blog that’s already on your website, or a leaflet that you’ve sent them via direct mail. It needs to be original.

You can be compliant and content

Great content is key, both when creating a powerful opt-in email, and writing email marketing copy once you’re GDPR-compliant.

To help you with the last bit, we’ve got a few more handy email marketing tips and tricks up our sleeve. If crafting words just isn’t your forte, our copywriting agency would be more than happy to help. Get in touch with us to discuss how we can keep your subscribers content.

Words by Kelly


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