5 Content Marketing Trends To Watch Out For In 2024

Congratulations! You’ve nearly made it through another year! Now you’re probably thinking it’s high time to kick back and put your feet up as we head into the festive season, right? Well, we’re sorry to burst your bubble, but…

With marketing trends constantly changing, it’s vital that your strategy is able to evolve at the drop of a hat. And the new year presents a great opportunity to mix up your marketing based on expertly predicted content trends. So get a head start on the competition in 2024 by incorporating these five areas into your strategy.

1. Increasing focus on sustainability and ethics

With 2030 edging closer and closer, all businesses have a responsibility to cut down their environmental impact and show customers exactly how they’re working towards net zero. We expect to see sustainability become a huge content pillar for brands of all sizes and industries to match the consumer demand for more sustainable products.

This transparency should extend to your ethical practices, too – particularly when it comes to data collection, use of AI, and diversity and inclusion.

2. Social media as a search engine

Google has long reigned supreme as the ‘It Girl’ of search engines. But could its time in the spotlight be coming to a close? If social media has anything to do with it, maybe… 

Nearly half of us now use social media as our primary source of information when it comes to researching brands or products. We predict that marketers will become increasingly SEO-focused with their content on social media to better target popular keywords and relevant search terms in 2024.

3. User-generated content

We’d like to make a quick amend to the phrase ‘content is king’ – user-generated content is king. Ultimately, people want to see things that they can relate to online. That might be a person with the same body type modelling a piece of clothing, someone trying a new foundation on a similar skin shade, or maybe just an influencer getting candid about their mental health online. 

And brands should take a leaf out of this playbook in 2024, because they could see incredible returns.

4. Microcopy magic

You probably don’t notice it, but you’re reading copy all the time – whether you’re purchasing a product online and following its careful checkout instructions or just logging on to Facebook and wondering how best to answer the question, ‘What’s on your mind?’

This is microcopy, and the difference between good and bad microcopy could make or break your business. Marketers need to be able to say more with less in order to capture user attention – and they have roughly two seconds to do it. So, as short-form content continues to gain traction in 2024, your copy needs to be able to keep pace.

5. Regular content clean-ups

Most businesses have had a digital presence for a long ol’ time. And while it’s great to keep your site active with fresh content, this could also mean you’ve some irrelevant stuff from way back when clogging it up. 

As Google continues to crack down on outdated and low-quality content, there’s no time like the present for a refresh. Think of 2024 like a spring clean – use this time to clean up blogs from 2016 that are no longer adding value.

Need some support this new year?

From taking the tree down to finding somewhere to store all those gifted socks, we know you’ll have plenty on your plate in the new year. Don’t let content add to it. 

Get in touch with our team today to find out how we can bring these trends to life in 2024.

Words by Holly


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