How to Master the Art of Mobile Copywriting

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As mobile devices dominate internet traffic, it’s never been more important for brands to master the art of mobile marketing. Since April 2014, mobile-friendly websites have gained leverage on Google search results, and the emphasis is only set to increase as customers demand a better user experience on smart devices.

An optimised website goes beyond responsive web design. To secure and retain the attention of your audience, your content should be optimised too. Let’s take a look at how mobile copywriting can engage readers and drive conversions.

High impact headlines

As consumers become increasingly time-poor, their patience and attention span is dwindling. This makes eye-catching headlines essential, to give readers a clear idea of what your content has to offer. Capture their interest with a well-written headline, and they’re far more likely to read on.

Learn how to up your game with killer headlines.

Break text into bite-sized chunks

Some copywriters recommend a restricted word count when writing for a mobile audience. Other sources suggest that consumers are as eager as ever for information-rich content, and will happily give their time to well-written, high-quality content.

Whilst it’s important to make your content concise and to the point, it’s no secret that longer word counts rank higher on Google. So if you’re writing a ‘how to’ guide, for example, how do you tailor it to mobile readers?

The key to keeping readers’ attention is to make your copy digestible. Break large blocks of text down into smaller paragraphs, and use subheaders to make it scannable. For web pages that you don’t want to clutter with text, use ‘read more’ buttons to put the user in control of their experience. 

Keep images to a minimum

On a desktop, images can play a pivotal role in the overall appearance of your website or blog. However, where mobile copywriting is concerned, images often distract from the point at hand. Use only relevant, high quality images where appropriate, and keep the focus on your content instead.

Strong calls to action 

Calls to action are a crucial component in copywriting, but especially so when writing for mobile. Whether you’re creating a web page, blog post or product description, round off your text with a clear and straightforward call to action. Ensure that this leads on to a mobile-friendly page, to maximise conversions from your copy.

Connect with your target audience at home, at work and on the move, with mobile copywriting that rises above the digital noise and climbs up the search engines. As a key feature of any website or blog, optimising your content as well as your design is essential for the constantly-moving consumer. Get it right, and you’ll be rewarded with a strong ROI!

Does your content look dense on mobile devices? Our copywriting agency can help you engage your target audience on the go.

Words by Kelly


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