5 Winning Tactics For Effective Web Content

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As purveyors of the digital word, we’re constantly hunting for the perfect ‘click’ moment, when all the pieces of a content strategy fall into place. Although we’ve waxed lyrical before about web content essentials, great writing can’t just ascribe to the basics; it needs to hit a couple of higher notes to truly stand out.

It’s our pleasure, then, to divulge our 5 winning tips for effective web content. Read on to learn how clever wording can inject some extra pep into your website:

1. Embellish the essentials

Staying on topic is the First Commandment of creating web content. Around that, though, you can spike off into more captivating linguistic territory, as long as you come back to your main subject.

Grabbing hearts and minds is not as easy as putting full stops in between what could, essentially, be bullet points. Weave key information into an engaging narrative, to join up the dots and make a connection with your audience.

2. Memorable rhetoric

It’s crucial to develop a consistent voice for your brand that has an appropriate tone for your target demographic. However, to keep your audience hooked, infuse this with a sense of personality.

Throwing rhetorical devices at the wall – such as imagining a conversation with your customer, and your likely response – might just stick in someone’s memory. Don’t be afraid of humour, either: a gentle, amusing observation never goes amiss.

3. A balance of length and brevity

Online copy can carry a strange war of impulses with it. On the one hand, you’re split between the desire for short, snappy lines; on the other, you want to go into some detail about why you’re such an attractive prospect. Both, however, have their separate drawbacks.

We recommend aiming for around 300 words per page. Much less, and your content just won’t be substantial enough – for the reader or Google’s search engine algorithms – while waffling on endlessly will simply tire people out.

4. Appeal to the experience

Although industry phrases and generalised wording have their place, describing “cost-effective management solutions” and the like isn’t always ideal. These blanket phrases are useful for summarising your business, but they leave too much to the imagination if they’re spread across your website too liberally.

A ‘benefit-led’ approach can do much for engaging your audience and securing sales. How does your product or service benefit the customer? What are your unique selling points? Why should they choose you over a competitor? Talk precisely and clearly about these tangible advantages, to justify your claims and build rapport.

5. A solid structure

Rather than cramming a truckload of information into one webpage, it’s far better to even out your various attributes. Overloading a visitor with blocks of repetitive text will make a site appear unfocused, and ungainly.

So, consider how your site will be mapped out, and how each link leads to something unique. A plumber, for example, could break down a generic Services page into Commercial and Domestic solutions, or go one step further to outline Bathroom Installation, Emergency Repairs and Central Heating.

There’s so much to factor into cracking copy, but follow these tips to win hearts and, ultimately, customers, through effective web content. Got doubts about your current approach, or building a new website from scratch? Making You Content is here to help. Contact us to learn more about our copywriting services, and how we can transform your online presence.

Words by Kelly


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