What A Difference A Year Makes…

March is always an exciting month for us, as it marks our business birthday. This anniversary is a particularly big milestone: 12 months ago, we were still based in Kelly’s humble home office, and Josh was yet to join the team.

As we celebrate three years in business, we’ve certainly kicked off our fourth year with a bang, appearing on the BBC and hosting events left, right and centre. So if you’ve got a spare minute or two, raise a cuppa with us, and catch up on the latest news from Making You Content HQ…

A victory for the self-employed

When The Budget broke a few weeks ago, we were as outraged as everyone else about the changes to National Insurance and the dividend allowance. So when the BBC called to ask our thoughts, we had plenty to talk about…

We spent the following morning in the BBC Studios at Media City, appearing first on BBC 5 Live, followed by BBC Breakfast news alongside The Social Chain. It was a surreal experience, but we enjoyed our 15 minutes of fame!

What we didn’t bargain for was the government u-turn that followed the week after. While the Chancellor probably had more influential advisors guiding his decision, it was exciting to play a role in delivering such a victory for the self-employed!

Celebrating International Women’s Day

The Budget wasn’t the only subject hot on everyone’s lips this month; on the same day, we celebrated International Women’s Day. The festivities kicked off with IPSE, as we joined a panel of freelancers for their Twitter chat.

But the highlight came in the evening, when we hosted another sellout event alongside the FSB. Once again, Heather Gray interviewed two inspiring female business owners: Sandy Lindsay of Tangerine PR, and Caroline Stevenson of Foodinate.


We’ve already got plans for another Women In Enterprise event in May, so keep your eyes peeled for more details about the date and speakers over the coming month…

Copywriting training workshops

We promise we’ve been working hard between all the glitz and glamour, but it’s not just been scribbling away at our desks. As our copywriting training services begin to take off, we’ve been running several workshops over the year so far.

It was a delight to visit Manchester High School for Girls this month, as we worked with the internal comms team to develop their copywriting skills. Curious to learn more about our workshops?

A taste of multi-channel marketing

Last year, we teamed up with BizWizUK, Leiths and Yelp to host a fantastic seminar for the food and drink sector down in London. So when Nabarro Poole approached us to ask when we were bringing Marketing On The Menu to Manchester, we were only too keen for a sequel.

This time round, we partnered with Webantic and Bloomin’ Creative, to deliver a free seminar for chefs, restaurateurs and online retailers at the glittering Great John Street Hotel. It was a huge success, so thanks to everyone who got involved and supported us!

Well, that’s March all wrapped up… no wonder it disappeared in a heartbeat! We have plenty more on the horizon for April, including a talk on behalf of the FSB at the Northern Business Expo, so follow us on Twitter or Facebook to stay up to date with the latest news.

Until next time!

Words by Kelly


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