6 Steps To A Successful Rebrand (From A Content Agency That’s Been There)

steps to a successful rebrand

So, you’re ready to rebrand. And if you’re reading this, you’ll know it isn’t a decision to be taken lightly. In fact, it can have a profound impact on the entire trajectory of your business. That’s why it’s important to carefully consider every single stage. 

Making You Content recently celebrated a decade in business, prompting us to undergo our own brand refresh. Now, we’re here to help you navigate the process with confidence – drawing from our own experience and lessons we learned along the way. 

Keep reading to discover actionable steps, insightful tips, ‘been there, done that’ examples, and more… 

1. Get time on your side

As the saying goes, ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’ – and neither should your rebrand be. Rushing through critical stages can have lasting consequences. That’s why it’s important to allocate plenty of time to getting everything right – ensuring changes are only made when you’re 100% satisfied.

Our own brand refresh took place over a period of six to twelve months, giving us enough time to navigate each stage at our own pace – conducting in-depth research, discussing revisions at length, and providing feedback on designs to ensure each change was a meaningful step towards our evolved identity. Patience isn’t just a virtue – it’s a necessity for an impactful rebrand.

2. Revisit, revitalise, and reframe

Aligning the brand that people see on the outside with what’s on the inside is vital. Take the time to evaluate your mission, vision, and values, and establish whether these have changed over time. If so, how much? A comprehensive assessment of your purpose provides the foundation for a rebrand that authentically represents your brand’s essence, creating a consistent narrative for your audience.

When it came to our own refresh, for example, we recognised the visual strength of our existing branding but knew that we needed to upgrade our messaging to reflect MYC’s evolution over time. Our mission, vision, and values had all moved on.

3. Ask the people that matter

Your team members are the beating heart of your business, and when everyone is on the same page, it conveys a unified brand presence to the outside world. But beyond that, involving your employees at every stage allows them to play an active role in your rebrand – offering more nuanced perspectives and ensuring any shifts align with their own vision and values.

Hosting team Q&A sessions early on in the process is a great way to encourage ideas. You can even set up anonymous channels to make sharing suggestions less daunting. We recommend continuing these regularly to invite feedback. 

One example of a hugely successful rebrand that put employees at its heart is Airbnb. Its branding agency interviewed Airbnb employees in various cities around the world, developing a deep understanding of what truly defined Airbnb culture and the impact an updated brand would have on every aspect of the company. 

4. The devil’s in the details 

Once you’ve got the ball well and truly rolling, kick-starting a successful rebrand means conducting a thorough review of your brand guidelines and other internal documents. These are the foundations that serve as the compass for your brand identity – influencing everything from how you look to how you sound. 

By keeping brand guidelines and other materials current, you not only provide clarity for your team, but also lay the groundwork for that cohesive and authentic brand narrative we mentioned earlier.

5. Make sure your brand shines everywhere

When you’re confident that you’ve dotted all the i’s and crossed the t’s of your internal rebrand, it’s time to think about how you present your organisation to the world. Ensuring your refresh reaches every corner of your branding is crucial for consistency. It’s not just about changing the obvious (like your logo) either. Remember to update all the supporting elements too – starting with your website. From the ‘About Us’ to products and services pages, and everything in between, each section should harmonise with your fresh vision.

Next on the list is any social media bios and images, email signatures, brochures, and product guides. Even your slide decks, templates, and any physical marketing collateral should get a refresh – as well as invoices and letterheads. This guarantees every interaction with your brand reflects your new and improved identity.

6. Roll up, roll out!

Don’t fall at the final hurdle – a carefully crafted rollout strategy is the key to ensuring your efforts don’t go unnoticed. Effectively communicating any changes is more than just a formality – it’s an opportunity to captivate your audience and convert new prospects in the process. This means creating a timeline for your launch too, assigning specific dates for each element and guaranteeing plenty of time for website testing. There’s nothing worse than having a stunning new brand without a website ready to show it off!

Make sure everything is in sync for your big reveal, and then strategically unveil your refresh via avenues such as social media, email marketing, press releases, and even events – allowing you to capitalise on your new narrative and ultimately set the stage for a seamless transition into your next chapter.

Ready to rebrand?

Having navigated our own rebranding journey and also supported countless others embarking on the process – including the likes of premium sportswear brand Castore – we’ve been on both sides of the table. We understand the unique challenges involved as a result, placing us in a perfect position to assist with your efforts. 

What’s more, we’re backed by a decade of experience in content strategy and creation, which we’ll channel into making your transition a seamless one. Reach out, and let’s shape the future of your brand. 

Words by Sophie


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